Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Episode 4: Travel

And we're back.

When Mat and Elmo originally asked Capone if he would move to Canada for research purposes, they never thought he would actually go through with it. But, after $12,000 Canadian Dollars and his entire life sailing away on a shipping container, Capone did just that, and he actually moved to Canada. Hence the delay.

They say travel broadens the mind, but what has it done to Mat, Elmo and Capone? Has living in various countries around the world changed the way Adam sees people and culture? Have various family trips to Guildford done anything to Mat's psyche? And what have numerous family holiday's with Elmo's "rough lot" done to aid International relations?

Also in Episode 4: British pubs, Black Gang China, In-flight entertainment, Holiday traditions, annoying co-workers, and a new type of currency.

Download here.

Contact the show:

Email: meyouandhimshow@gmail.com

Website: meyouandhim.com

Facebook: facebook.com/meyouandhim

Twitter: twitter.com/MYandH

Subscribe: Me, You and Him on iTunes

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Episode 3: Sport

What's this? Why it's a brand-new episode of Me, You and Him.

Sport. It's great, isn't it? But sport isn't just defined by Final Score on a Saturday and Match of the Day 2 on a Sunday. Oh no. From the egg and spoon race at Sports Day when we're five years old, to playing bridge when we're 90, sport is part of our everyday lives.

This podcast, whether you're into sports or not, should answer the age-old question; is life a sport? And if it doesn't answer that, then at least you'll learn about the time when Adam watched a movie instead of running against his school friends.

In episode 3: David tells us about his school where every towel was fitted with a camera, Capone regales the time he was tied to a torpedo, and Mat dreams of a world where football stadiums have 40,000 people in them. Day and night. Also in episode 3: Adam tries to 'update' different sports, David tries to understand streakers, and the boys play Bop-It.

Download here.

Contact the show:

Email: meyouandhimshow@gmail.com

Website: meyouandhim.com

Facebook: facebook.com/meyouandhim

Twitter: twitter.com/MYandH

Subscribe: Me, You and Him on iTunes

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Episode 2: Christmas

Well lookie here.

Like Charlie Sheen after a small sherry, episode 2 of Me, You and Him is all up in your grill like it's trying to start on you in the local chippy. After a 'mildly successful' debut episode with a paltry 1.29 million downloads, this new joint focuses on the most wonderful time of the year. For those of you at the back, we're talking Christmas.

In episode 2: Capone, David and Mat discuss Christmas presents, religion and yearly traditions. From strange wrapping paper to shopping centre santas, and getting your drink spiked to the Queen's speech, the boys try to explain what Christmas is all about, and what it means to them.

Download here.

Contact the show:

Email: meyouandhimshow@gmail.com

Website: meyouandhim.com

Facebook: facebook.com/meyouandhim

Twitter: twitter.com/MYandH

Subscribe: Me, You and Him on iTunes

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Episode 1: The Internet

It's finally here.

Episode 1 of Me, You and Him has dropped like a hot potato, and you've got the oven-mitts to catch this heated up vegetable of a podcast. Not only that, but you've been given a full cutlery and crockery set from your in-laws with which to consume said warm root vegetable.

In episode 1; Dave, Mat and Capone talk about the Internet and how it has affected their lives. From internet nicknames to chat rooms with pandas, internet addiction to the shocking disappearance of naughty magazines in our nearby woodlands, the boys put the world (wide web) to rights and discover some home truths along the way.

Download here.

Contact the show:

Email: meyouandhimshow@gmail.com

Website: meyouandhim.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/meyouandhim

Twitter: http://twitter.com/MYandH

Subscribe: Me, You and Him on iTunes